Sunday, August 9, 2009

I'm Two Weeks Away

I'm two weeks away from City Year New York and getting anxious. First of all, I'm no where near packed. I still need to go through all of my stuff and decide what I'm keeping and what can go. As of now, I'm taking most of my books with me, some clothes, and my playbill collection (which takes up more space than my clothes). I just need to go through the rest of my stuff and throw it out. Also need to call up City Year and find out if I can use my high school transcripts as proof of graduation, since my diploma got ruined last week when my basement flooded.

The search for a synagogue to go to for the High Holy Days, which fall about a month after my arrival in New York, isn't going so well. Ideally, I'll find a place to go to year round, but in the short term, I'm looking for Rosh Hashanah. It's a bit difficult to judge a synagogue without visiting it, but we'll see.

I'm getting nervous about the program itself, too. I'm really worried about whether I'll be able to meet the demands of the program, and live within the budget. I'm planning on eating a lot of ramen, and *gasp* cutting back on the Diet Coke. Hopefully I'll still be able to catch some shows. Fingers crossed I manage to get a merch job or something, which will kill two birds with one stone. I'm also going to be transferring with CVS, where I'm a pharmacy tech, so I can pick up a shift or two a week.

Anyway, off to continue sorting through my stuff. Ciao!

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